Legend says it all started with a snake and a crane.
And you tell me I’ll benefit if I play and I train?
This play builds qi, is what I’ve been told.
May I ask a question? May I be so bold?
What is this thing, this thing they call qi?
And what could it possibly matter to me?
Qi is the life force, that’s what they say,
And building it up comes from this play.
It all starts in stillness, this play called Tai Chi,
and over a time it’s grown deep in me.
The mind seeks peace, as the body does health.
Being one with the universe, creates spiritual wealth.
Tai Chi may have started as a martial art,
but it’s the internal strength that sets it apart.
The mind-body connection will help you to heal.
Less stress and less pain is what you should feel.
Flexibility and strength are external gains,
focused attention and posture are part of its fame.
Mindfulness, focus, and visualization,
getting internal benefits from socialization!
Improving your balance, preventing a fall,
soon you’ll feel confident to visit the mall!
Relaxing the mind, becoming self-aware,
empowering yourself, employing self-care.
The yin and yang sign symbolizes it all,
conveniently shaped like our energy ball!
Fist under fingers, the salute for Tai Chi.
Shows friendship, strength, and humility.
So, what did I find when I tried Tai Chi?
It looked easy to learn but wasn’t easy for me!
The movements were awkward, at times, rather queer.
After I’d learned them, I asked, “Where to from here?”
The internal is next, my teachers have said.
The next part to learn is all in your head!
Tai Chi holds a secret we want you to know.
When you practice the principles, the benefits will grow!
Posture and weight shift, the movements are smooth.
Sinking your breath to be in the groove.
Deliver the force, know when to yield.
Practice these rules and your health will be sealed.
Practice and practice, be patient and persevere.
You’ll be pleased how far you’ll come in a year.
We all start out awkward, don’t give it a thought.
Over time it gets better, or at least it ought!
Everyone can improve, just give it some time.
It’s the playing that rewards, in spirit, body, and mind.
Perfection not necessary, though perfectionists may try.
All that is asked is that you give it a try.
The styles are many: Chen, Yang, Sun and Wu.
Soon you’ll find one that resonates in you.
Forms with a fist, fan or a sword.
Try a new form, you’ll never get bored!
It helps to have a teacher, and classes can motivate.
Or play alone, a great way to meditate.
The benefits the same, in groups or alone.
The point is to play, in class, a park, or at home.
What can we expect to get from Tai Chi?
A life free from illness and all misery?
Tai Chi may mitigate all illness and strife,
So, as long as we have it, we’ll have a good life.
And when the time comes, for surely it will,
May our passing be peaceful, no need for a pill.
So share your Tai Chi, it’s important you know.
Keep spreading its secrets wherever you go.
Your Tai Chi will improve when you start to share.
Teach it to others, show that you care.
Anyone can teach, it’s simple you know.
One movement per class is all you need show.
Include the principles, not just the form.
With regular practice the benefits are born.
Health, peace, and harmony is what we may see,
if we all share our knowledge of this art called Tai Chi.
We hope you will share the secrets of Tai Chi,
that we all will become, all we can be.
The world needs the peace and improvements in health,
and hope that Tai Chi can bring spiritual wealth.
Just picture a world where all played this game.
Your excuse for not sharing is now looking quite lame!
Empowered you are, empowered you’ll be,
empower others by teaching Tai Chi.
The world needs to share what we know of Tai Chi.
Please pass on its legacy from you and from me.
So that is my story, it came from my head.
It’s too long already, my mother has said!
Put down your pen, go practice your form!
Only playing will help the benefits be born!
Betty Scanlon